“Windows 8 Configuration – A list of settings and changes that I would like to remember

After a recent harddrive failure, I finally replaced my Dell Studio1555 running Windows 7 Pro with a Dell Inspiron 15R Special Edition, running Windows 8 Pro. … Windows 8 is different! I had multiple friends offering advice, but I was determined to shut them out and see how much I could figure out on my own. I did have to give up and Google how to shut down before going to bed last night.

I assume some of these  things are specific to the fact that I am using Windows 8 on a laptop that does not have touch.

So, here are some of the usability things I have noticed:

  • Running a program – If you know the program’s name, hit the Windows key to go to the start screen / tiles and start typing the name. When you start typing, it starts searching – much like the search box in Windows 7 and Windows 7, except it shows you a list of tiles instead of a text list.
  • Shutting Down – Move your mouse to the bottom right hand side of the screen. Click the Settings icon (looks like a gear) , Click Power. The only options I see are Sleep, Shut Down, or Update And Restart.
  • To use Desktop mode – There is a Desktop tile. Click it.
  • To switch between Desktop and Start Screen / Tiles – Hit the Win key
  • To close an app you are using – Hit Alt F4
  • To close an app you are not using – go to the top-left of your screen. Right-click and select “Close”.   OR   slide in from the left-hand side of your mouse to show the panel of running apps. Right-click the app and select “Close”.

And here are some settings and changes I have done/noticed:



Things I still want to figure out:

  • turn off touch-pad’s swipe thing where a bar appears on the left side
  • hibernate
  • Bring back the Start Button

About Michelle Hestand

Michelle is a website manager in East Texas. She mainly works on websites related to health, traveling entertainment, and family life.

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