Hello World!
There is a new guy on the scene, and that would be me.
I filed this under the [Uncategorized] section, because I honestly did not see how an introduction fit into any of the existing categories.
“Create a new Section,” you say. Not a bad idea, but I’ll wait before I start making a mess in here.
Feel free to say hello.
Joe Pool, aka jp2code
Hello Joe. I apologize for neglecting your post! If you want to introduce yourself as a web designer or something, you can go ahead and categorize it there 🙂
I’m in Missouri at the moment.
I still don’t really understand what this company is about.
Are you making money?
This website is really for people in East Texas. – For people who need technical help (websites, graphics, etc …) and for the people who can provide that help. A directory to help businesses that want to hire local talent. It could be fun, at some point after I have more members, to get together and just hang out for an evening – possibly make some new friends.
This actual website doesn’t bring in much profit. (Just enough to cover server space, domain name, and a LITTLE of my time.) But I have had people contact me on here for paying jobs. I often have to turn these people down because I am just too busy. I would like to know of someone I can refer them to. You should look at it more as free advertising. When / if I get more members, we can discuss what we want this site to be going forward.
Michelle, can you recommend any WordPress developers in East Texas, preferably the Wood County/Mineola area? I already have a great graphic designer but need a developer to build WordPress sites for my clients. Thank you.