Can AI help me stick to a blog posting schedule?

Can AI help me stick to my blog posting schedule?

I love being a website manager! But being involved in 30 websites with a waiting list of about 15 more, it is easy to fall behind on my own personal projects. Will AI help me stick to a blog posting schedule? Why can’t I stick to a regular posting schedule? First, I need to take…

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Stepping into AI: Pros and Cons of Using AI to Write Your Website Articles

A robot contemplates "the pros and cons of using AI to write your articles"

Guess what? This post was generated with the help of RankMath’s new Content AI and edited by Michelle at . RankMath is my favorite WordPress SEO Plugin! AI-powered technologies have revolutionized various industries, including content creation. Many businesses use AI to generate website articles to save time and resources. It is important to consider…

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Quickbooks Enterprise Desktop: Align printed check information

When you print checks from QuickBooks, you may notice that the information is suddenly and severely out of alignment. Fixing this is pretty easy! Test 1: Make sure your actual check is printed correctly If you print blank checks in-house, the check paper may have markers to ensure that the routing number is lined up…

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How to change your Amazon Seller Central email address

One of the guys I work for asked me to update the Amazon Seller Central email address. His inbox is flooded with spam and misdirected or unwanted emails. His top-level email address for all things important is barely usable due to all the unwanted spam and misdirected messages that really should go to other departments.…

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Copy photos from iPhone to PC

My daughter and I each got an iPhone 6s earlier this year. I love that she will be able to take hundreds, if not thousands of good-quality pictures of her jr high and highschool experience. As our phones filled with photos and I felt the need to make a backup I made a frustrating discovery.…

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Best Skype call experience

My co-workers and I are heavy skype users. It is a convenient way to keep up with quick notes and a cheap way to speak with our workers across the globe. The biggest complaints I have heard are: Inability to remove someone from your list without blocking them. (When you try to simply remove somebody…

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Is Google going to mark my business as closed?

I just received a suspicious phone call from someone claiming to work for a firm that was hired by Google to verify business listings.  (no caller ID number) Their pitch included that “over 30% of businesses listed on Google and Bing have closed” and that businesses they are unable to verify as still open will…

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Is friendly a the new style of professional?

My daughter was delivered by a veterinarian who jokingly compared me to livestock. Her birth certificate was signed in yellow glitter pen. And her 12-year checkup? The PA gave her a smiley for good levels 🙂 I wonder how the professionals of last century would feel about what we are seeing today. Would the majority…

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Mailchimp vs Express Email Marketing

I have enjoyed high-fives for sending one of my client’s newsletters via MailChimp for about a year now. Recently, we ran across an old list of contacts. Afraid of jeopardizing our MailChimp list (by people forgetting who we are and marking us as Spam or unsubscribing), we decided to write to those people via Express…

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