2021 Domain Names For Sale!

Time to clean out my domain name closet! Below is a list of domain names that I simply do not have time to build/maintain websites for. I continue to renew them thinking that maybe some day I will have time. Contact me or leave a comment below if you want any of these names. Comments…

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Adding domains to your Standard UCC SSL Certificate

These directions work on HarmoniousHosting.com , a GoDaddy reseller. Scenario: A client has 3 Managed WordPress websites with SSL Certificates. Two sites have individual certs. One has the UCC SSL Certificates, which will cover up to 5 sites! Certificates, domain names, and hosting are all under the same Harmonious Hosting account. The nice thing about…

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East Texas Design Webhosting is moving to Harmonious Hosting

I started East Texas Design Webhosting in 2007, as a courtesy for clients whose websites were too small to justify a standard shared hosting package. My plans started at just 50 cents per month and included enough space for a simple website with a database and email. As times change, so do our needs. All…

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New prices for East Texas Design webhosting

:: ATTENTION WEBHOSTING CLIENTS :: EastTexasDesign has recently updated our webhosting prices to better reflect our cost and time spent serving you. Customers paying on a 6-month or yearly basis should be pleased with the recent price drops. Customers paying on a monthly basis will see their bill go up by about 50 cents. Customers…

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Hostgator’s Upgraded Plans

I am VERY excited to announce that a few weeks ago, HostGator updated their hosting plans. ALL regular hosting accounts (Hatchling, Baby, and Business) now come with Unlimited Disk Space and Unlimited Bandwidth. Prices appear to be the same. Hatchling plan is $8.95 per month if paid monthly, 4.95 per month if you prepay 3…

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Domain Names For Sale!

I have the following domain names available for sale. Prices are negitiable and subject to change at any time. Most of these prices will go up after Christmas. txphone.com … $20 servingeasttexas.com … $20 ultimatecmssite.com … $20 embracethetemplates.com … $20 funtimesatwork.com … $30 santascience.com … $60 magicalcures.com … $75 poka.me … $80 chainsgalore.com … $100…

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Full Website Backup through cPanel

There are a few different kinds of backups that you can do through cPanel. A full website backup, as its name suggests, backs up your whole website. This includes the webpages you have made, any content management programs you are using along with their settings, any databases you are running, and any emails that are…

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Alexa Rankings

A friend of mine use to often brag about his “Alexa Ranking”. He was so proud of it … I was happy for him, but I didn’t really understand what it was. And I wondered if Alexa ranings are so good – why didn’t I have one? To sum it up, Alexa (owned by Amazon.com)…

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Hostgator – I always come back to you

Being a full-time webmaster for a wide variety of websites, I have had the oportunity to work with many webhosts and registrars.  I have found that the contents included in a package and level of service can vary greatly.  And you don’t always “get what you paid for.” Although it has problems, HostGator is the…

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