Amazon Associates Affiliate Program – Experiment 1

Experiment 1 – Links and Banners Embedded in Articles, and

As time permits, I will place a combination of relevant links, native ads, and other banners generated by Amazon in my new and existing articles.

January 2020:  I will start by placing relevant links on some of my existing posts. And I will look for opportunities to add more links to my new posts going forward. I honestly don’t know how well this is going to work. The focus of these websites is to share knowledge, not to generate affiliate commission.

July 2020 Update – Nothing Yet: As expected, Amazon has not given me credit for any of the orders placed by me or my co-workers. There have been a few dozen clicks from website visitors, but no qualifying orders yet.

Keep in mind, I only have Amazon Associate links on a small portion of my pages. I do believe this setup would be profitable in time if I commit to adding more articles on a regular basis.

Amazon Associate Experiments

About Michelle Hestand

Michelle is a website manager in East Texas. She mainly works on websites related to health, traveling entertainment, and family life.

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