Zazzle vs CafePress – I have made up my mind!

And the winner is … Zazzle! I will focus more on products for and promotion of my Zazzle shops. But there will be stuff in my CafePress shop too 🙂 I have SO much to say about these print-on-demand companies. But when it comes down to it, here are the reasons that I choose to…

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Threatening Comments and Emails – Do not give in!

I will not give in to extortion! Most visitors to this website seem nice. They come, they get their information, and they go. Sometimes they even leave a comment or send a friendly messages that make me feel good about what I do. But today when I checked my messages, I saw something very unexpected.…

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Well that was unsettling! – LMIR0001.tmp.bat.js

First of all, if you are having this problem I want to put your mind at ease. – It does not appear to be anything dangerous. Just a conflict between how your computer is set up vs. the average Windows settings. Here’s the story behind my LMIR0001.tmp.bat.js scare .. My Windows 7 pro laptop was…

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Smart FTP Line Endings – Finally working in version 4.0!

I will let you in on a little known problem that sometimes causes files to do weird things when switched between Unix/Linux and Windows computers: Line endings are not your friend! You see, at the end of every line of code, there is something called a line ending. Linux machines (which are widely popular for…

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Domain Names For Sale!

I have the following domain names available for sale. Prices are negitiable and subject to change at any time. Most of these prices will go up after Christmas. … $20 … $20 … $20 … $20 … $30 … $60 … $75 … $80 … $100…

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Voipo Phone Services

I was without a home phone from March 2006 – October 2009. All that time I wanted one, but they are just too expensive in my small East Texas town. I spoke with my cable provider about their phone service, but they said that I would have to upgrade to their highest speed internet, which…

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PayPal Buyer Credit

I am so happy with what greeted me on November 11 when I went to pay my PayPal Buyer Credit! For over a year I have been enjoying PayPal’s Buyer Credit. But there have been a few features that bugged me. The popup box where you had to log in to GE Moneybank before making…

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