Why I chose to become a WildWestDomains reseller with a GoDaddy Reseller Account

I got my first taste of the web hosting biz in 2005, when a potential client (Paul) wanted to fund his project by starting his own webhosting business. I knew HTML, he had a dream, and we found a guy (Matt) who knew the basics of running a server. We were young, fearless (read as desperate for work), and ready to jump in deep!

Jumping in too deep.

We started with a nice $600/month server from Atjeu. Matt taught me the basics of setting up a website with WHM and cPanel. And I spent $300 on my first WildWestDomains reseller account, because our clients would have to buy their domain names somewhere. We gave it our all, but it only took a few weeks to figure out that we were in over our heads. We had some great offers! But even with ads in the paper and participation in chat rooms and on forums, we were unable to find enough clients to pay the bill.

Within months our big plans had fallen to pieces. Paul moved to China to be an English teacher. Matt and I decided to stick with the web services, but we would do it separately.

Hostgator to the rescue!

I personally felt there was too much competition to focus on hosting. So, I decided to focus on what I was good at. Creating simple websites and cleaning up sites that less-skilled persons made a mess of.

I also got a $25/month reseller account from Hostgator. It was a cheap way to host my existing sites under one account and to add to what I could offer clients.

Moving on up – GoDaddy Reseller Account

After almost 8 years of being content as a Hostgator Reseller, I found myself involved with more than 30 websites. I did some math and figured that:

  • I could save $1.24 per domain that I purchase/renew with a GoDaddy reseller account.
    ($28.52 per year savings on the domains I was purchasing myself)
  • I could save my customers $2.00 per year on domains while earning $3-$5 per domain for myself.
    ($20+ per year as I talk existing and new customers into registering through me.)
  • I could get additional earnings while offering clients a good price on SSL certificates, email and marketing services.
  • I could still earn from anyone who outgrows my Hostgator hosting plans by switching them to GoDaddy style hosting.

 It is time for me to be a GoDaddy / WildWestDomains Reseller Again

About Michelle Hestand

Michelle is a website manager in East Texas. She mainly works on websites related to health, traveling entertainment, and family life.

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